Kitchen Remodel

Get the look of a brand-new kitchen for less by working with specialists.

Your Aurora Kitchen Deserves A New Look

A kitchen is one of the essential parts in your home, we know this is serious and detailed work

We start with the design. You might want to stay with your existing layout or you might be ready for a whole new more efficient kitchen layout, we can help.

We work with various kitchen cabinet companies bringing to you good prices and quality cabinets. Or if you already purchased your cabinets we can install for you.

From there we continue with the flooring, countertops, backsplash, lighting..... in order to put together for you a beautiful kitchen according to your own personality.

Get together with all your family in your brand new and unique kitchen!

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For free consultation, call 630-532-4173

Benache Remodeling provides quality remodel and construction services.


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